

We offer different training options depending on your dog's needs and your requirements. We are happy to develop a hybrid plan out of the options outlined below.  We always seek to offer an approach that would be most beneficial for your dog and convenient for you.

Training Rates

• Initial in person consultation: $60

• Individual training on site: $150/hour  ($30 off if booked with daycare or boarding $120/hour)

• Individual training off site: $180/hour + travel fee

• Board & Train: $120/day for training in addition to the cost of boarding. Board & Train is the most effective method for most training because of the repetitive, frequent sessions, and it also allows trainers to choose the most optimal time to train your pup, when they are most attentive and ready to learn. The 10-day board & train program is $2350 for adult dogs, $2500 for puppies, and $2250 for adult dogs under 20 lbs

Types of Training

• Socialization, manners and puppy training

• Basic obedience for puppies and adults
Leash walking training

• Intermediate and advanced tricks

• Recall training and off-leash training

• Agility training

• Behavior training. Correcting problematic behavior such as reactivity, various types of fear, counter surfing, mounting, etc.

Socialization and puppy training in group setting

For young pups, we recommend starting with puppy socialization and doggy daycare as soon as possible. Socialization for young pups is extremely important for them to become confident adults that understand social cues around other dogs.

Puppy Socials:
We host puppy socials for pups under 8 months of age. These sessions are educational not only for the pups but also for their parents, as you get an opportunity to observe your dog play and interact with others. The sessions are 1 hour long and are usually scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

During our puppy socials we use two areas to split up puppies into two groups by size and temperament: a group for outgoing and active pups and a group for smaller pups or those that might be a little more shy at first.

Doggy Daycare:

During doggy daycare with younger dogs, we include some basic training and reinforcement of good manners in the puppy daycare rate. We guide puppies to learn how to play politely with each other, understand verbal commands and corrections throughout the day. It's done in a group setting with other dogs. Puppies learn and work on manners when surrounded by other dogs, walking through doors, taking turns, responding to their names and basic obedience commands like sit, down, wait, okay, come. Another important aspect they learn is to be away from their loving family, and grow to be more independent. Young pups are always very happy to see their favorite humans picking them up even when they had a super fun day with friends at school. Spending time away from home and without their own humans around is important early on to break the patterns of separation anxiety and extreme attachment.  

Basic Obedience

Each dog learns at their own pace. Adult dogs might already know or be familiar with some commands, which is great and will help them move onto the next level faster. Our approach is personalized for each dog’s temperament and how quickly they acquire new skills.

Basic obedience training beginner level might include the following:

• Focus & eye contact

• Sit

• Down

• Stand

• Come

• Wait, Okay

• Place, Free

• Leave it

• Find it

• Off

• Wait at doors

Dogs that already know some of the basic obedience commands, will only progress faster to the next level.

Play & Train 

Training as add-on with daycare and boarding

When doggy daycare or boarding is combined with a one-on-one training lesson, dogs come home not only happy and tired, but also with an extra feeling of accomplishment, proud to show you some cool new skills they learned.

Dogs that attend doggy daycare or stay overnight can sign up for individual training one-on-one with a trainer. Training is performed between play sessions in a similar fashion to our board and train program.

Each one-hour individual training session is discounted when it’s scheduled for the days when your dog is already staying with us. Parents are expected to help their pups with homework they take home from school, and reinforce newly learned skills.

Board & Train

Board & train program includes overnight boarding, daily group play with activities, one hour of private training, and progress report.

Training sessions

We offer various levels of training - depending on at which level your dog is at and what you would like for them to learn. A trainer will work with your dog privately one hour in total each day, and some extra time in a group setting when the new skills will be practiced and reinforced throughout the stay. Often, daily training is divided into two 30-min sessions to get the best results. We try to find the best time for each dog for the lesson, usually it’s after they have had some playtime, will be excited about their training session and will be in the best mindset to learn new skills.

Duration of the program and skills

We can be flexible about the number of days you'd like to sign up your dog to do a board and train. The rate is discounted when a program includes 10 or more consecutive individual training sessions. Your dog’s knowledge will solidify and focus will get better as they polish their new skills regularly in a consistent environment in which we will be adding more difficult levels to their training with distractions and exciting activities around them. 

Keep in mind our training program gets your dog new skills, but it's up to you to reinforce them, stay consistent, and keep moving forward with your dog’s training when they return home.

Your lifestyle may require your dog to learn some specific skills that would be most useful in your day-to-day life. The training program can be tailored to suit your needs.

Please let us know how many days you'd like to sign up your dog for, your dog’s age, what kind of training you are most interested in, and we can customize a training plan specifically for your pup.